31 January 2008

peace corps family & friends information session


So tonight the parentals and I attended a PC session in Decatur together. The purpose of this event was to emphasize to future parents of the PC how the health and safety of the volunteers is the number one goal of the PC staff in country. Although the session didn't really present any new information to me, I took it as a good sign that my parents came because this is the first time that they have heard information from the PC directly; before this all PC stories were relayed to them from "friend of a friends" and they got mixed emotions . I feel like this is the first time that they have given their approval together of my decision and I am SOO thankful to have their support ('cause I am definitely going to need it!). Everytime I check out the facebook groups and the yahoo groups it seems like quite a few peace corps applicants don't have very supportive families and friends so I feel truly blessed. Although my brother didn't join (I didn't expect him to, not that he's not supportive of me though) for the session, he did meet us afterwards for dinner at Zyka. I mean who can pass up the opportunitiy to eat the best chicken 65 (which I am going to miss terribly!)...

29 January 2008



So I checked my e-mail this morning and noticed that my toolkit has been updated which means: MY INVITE IS ON ITS WAY!!! It won't reach me for a few days (so don't bother me for at least a week) but when it gets here I'll FINALLY know where I'm heading off too. Months of waiting have culminated in what will most likely feel like the longest week ever lol...

btw, as of this morning according to the unofficial yahoo group calender, the only countries that were open for June 2008 were Tanzania, Mauritania and Swaziland so we'll see if my invite falls in either of those countries (remember, it could still be something completely else!)

26 January 2008

i dream of peace corps...


This whole "patience" thing is definitely driving me crazy lol. Last night was definitely wierd because for the first time the peace corps somehow seeped into my subconscious and appeared in my dreams. I was sitting in a house waiting for my invite. The house was roofless and filled with bats, like TONS of them, and was in the middle of some jungle because there were tropical plants all over the place. Someone familiar, though I can't quite pinpoint who, handed my my invite to Swaziland (one of the countries I'm kinda hoping to end up in actually). But then there were wierd flashes of Gambia. I'm thinking this house I was in was located in Gambia actually. I dunno. Freudian analysis anyone?

It has now been nearly a month since I've been medically cleared and still no word concerning my invite. I even heard that I may not hear anything until the end of febuary! ARGH! I know I'm supposed to be patient, and normally I really am a patient person. And people even tell me this is the "easiest" part. But for me, none of this feels "real" and its not going to feel "real" until I get my invite; until I have my invite in hand, inside me there is still some irrational doubt that I'm not going to get in and the past 8 months have been in vain. So here is to hoping I get my invite soon so I can start the next phase of my PC journey: shopping/packing!

05 January 2008

happy new years and good news...

Hey everyone!

First of all, I want to wish everyone a happy new year. I hope everyone enjoyed his or her holiday break. I certainly did ;) Jamaica was amazing, New York was incredible and it’s very weird to be back in Atlanta and not have to worry about school anymore. Anyways, I do have two pieces of exciting information:

1) I got medically cleared! December 29th is a little late for an x-mas gift but better late than never I say! Since I got legally and financially cleared last summer this means that nothing (so far) stands between me and my invitation, well except time. This is where the process gets tricky because there is no set time frame of when after medical clearance you’ll get your invitation. It all depends on a myriad of things. So I might get my invitation in a week or it might not get to me for two months. Who knows? This will definitely be my most trying time…

2) I got a job! A full-time, paid, completely incredible job! I won’t go into details about how I got it but the company I will be working for is a christian international pediatric health non-profit called Childspring International (www.childspringintl.org). The organization basically helps find children in developing countries that need surgeries and then we match them to doctors and hospitals in the US who will do the surgeries for free. We also match the children with host families who look after the children pre- and post-operation. My specific job title is the Americas Case Manager, so I am responsible for the end-to-end detail management of all children coming in and out of Central and South America! It’s a LOT of responsibility and I’m really nervous about work but my mom reassures me that I’ll be okay and I hope I will be too. Everyone in the office is great so I’m looking forward to getting to know all my new co-workers.

Since I’ve been back I’ve been spending a lot of time perusing the Internet and trying to gather as much information about the Peace Corps as possible. In an effort to share some valuable resources with any potential applicants, here are some places you should check out:

- Facebook: there are numerous groups dedicated to the peace corps. Some of my favorites though include “Future Peace Corps Volunteer”, “Peace Corps” and “Peace Corps: I’m Being Sent To Africa”. It’s not only a great source of information but also a great way to meet other Peace Corps applicants in various points of the application process. Great place to pose questions, vent, rant, ramble and fight lol. I even made a friend J (Her name is Megan and she’s from Texas, and like me, she’s a health nominee to Africa in June 2008…maybe we’ll end up in the same country!)

- Yahoo: I DEFINITELY recommend joining the Peace Corps yahoo group (peacecorps2). It is a great place to post questions as it is the best network of future Peace Corps volunteers, current peace corps invitees and trainees and also returned peace corps volunteers. Also the group has this really cool UNOFFICIAL directory of when certain programs leave and to where. Since my nomination is for Africa, leaving in June 2008 for a Health program, I think I’ve narrowed down my invitation to one of these countries: Mauritania, Kenya, Tanzania, Swaziland, Burkina Faso and Zambia. I would be happy to go to almost any of those countries (well okay, truth be told, Mauritania doesn’t sound like a lot of fun). But we’ll see. I’m trying not to get my heart set on one country but its really hard ‘cause some of those countries sound more amazing than others (I’m kinda in love with Swaziland and Zambia…). Like I said, this is UNOFFICIAL but its great to have a general idea.

That’s it for now folks. The invitation wait continues…
