14 August 2010

back in the US

I'm back babydolls!

In case you haven't figured it out, I'm back in the good ol' US of A. Looks like it's all the chili cheese fries, and milkshakes and choices I want for now. I would like to say that my two years in Togo flew bye and looking back there are brief moments where I say, "wow it's already been two years". But in actuality, I felt every one of those 800-ish days. It is definitely good to be back, especially around my family and friends. Yet it's also weird. People say it's culture shock but I think it's more like a lack of culture shock. I mean I experienced real culture shock moving to Togo where EVERYTHING was new and different. Coming back to America, yes everything was different from Togo, but it was all familiar in a dream sort of way. I keep pinching myself thinking I'm going to wake up or that perhaps my time in Togo was some sort to not so bad nightmare. I don't know. Okay before I ramble too much more I'll say thanks for reading. Sorry for sucking as a writer but I do have to say you suck as a reader/follower of my blog so screw you :)

off to my next big adventure: graduate school. if i have the energy, maybe i'll blog about that too...

- Nikhil

10 February 2010


so as you can tell, i haven't updated in a while. can't really explain what happened and i don't really have the motivation to tell you what i've been up to since i last posted. my service is going great though and im working on projects i feel passionately about. i can't believe that COS conference is just around the corner. as much as im ready to finish my service and move on to the next chapter in my life (graduate school), i know a part of me will miss togo and all that he/she has given me. but its okay 'cause ill be back en afrique bien tot.
btw, thanks to people who actually do read this blog. i meant for it to be a better source of information than what it ended up being but ive gotten random emails from cool people who want help with peace corps apps or want to congratualate me on my stories / service and i thank you for being "faithful" readers, especially even though i have not been a "faithful" blogger.
anyways, i doubt ill be updating anytime soon but you never know. if you do have any questions or comments for me though, feel free to contact me via e-mail.
take care and till we meet again...