16 July 2007

medical clearance part 2

Sorry it's been so long since I last updated but as usual, not much has happened. Unless something super exciting happens over the next few weeks (apart from me reading Harry Potter Book 7 in less than a day!!! Harry Potter V...the movie that is...was ridiculously awesome...as was Transformers btw), you probably won't hear from me until September since the last part of my clearance (dental) takes place August 22nd. I could have probably gotten an earlier date but the Peace Corps has a new program where dentists who are a part of the International College of Dentistry have agreed to perform FREE DENTAL CLEARANCE for PC applicants and I am ALL about free stuff.

My visit to the doctor to get all my paperwork signed was pretty uneventful except for the fact that now I have to go and find some place that will give me a polio booster (hopefully the GT Health Clinic). All my tests came back clean and surprisingly I even had normal blood pressure (which is amazing considering the amount of stress I am normally under). The only thing of "concern" was my high cholesterol but that's mostly my parent's fault as high cholesterol is genetically-linked and both my parents have high cholesterol (but I am working on eating a little healthier and have started to work out more frequently since I can't blame EVERYTHING on my parents). Everything with the eye doctor went well as well. My contact lens prescription is the same but my eyeglass prescription increased slightly.

I'm sure you don't really care about the health of my body so let's just blame my rambling on boredom at work and leave it at that. Till September...